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The Southeast Florida Transportation Council (SEFTC) is a formal partnership of:

Miami-Dade Transportation Planning Organization

Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization

Palm Beach Transportation Planning Agency


The SEFTC is made of representatives of each MPO Board and meets two- to four times per year. It serves as a formal forum for policy coordination and communication and undertakes regional planning efforts for all transportation modes including:

  • Regional transportation plans covering the tri-county region

  • Regional project prioritization

  • Regional transit and freight systems

  • Regional public involvement

  • Regional performance measurement

  • Regional transportation improvement program


Based on a triparty Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Miami-Dade TPO is currently leading the administrative and technical staff functions of SEFTC as part of a national best practice to collaborate and rotate responsibilities among the three MPOs in the Miami Urbanized Area from January 1, 2023, until December 31, 2028. Responsibilities include the development of the 2050 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), as well as the supporting SERPM 9.0 travel demand model update for the Southeast Florida region. SEFTC has also accomplished regional efforts in the areas of freight, non-motorized planning, modeling, public involvement, as well as other regional initiatives. SEFTC has successfully been recognized and highlighted nationally by the United States Department of Transportation as a national model of regional cooperation.


To coordinate regional transportation goals, needs, funding, and policies that support the economic health and quality of life of the region.


A seamless, multi-modal transportation system that serves and benefits the entire region.

Mission & Vision

SEFTC Evolution

While the Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach MPOs always maintained cooperative working relationships with each other, their alliance solidified when the 2000 Census data was released defining the tri-county area as the “Miami Urbanized Area.” Then in 2005, recognizing the need for increased regional transportation planning and coordination balanced with the need and desire to maintain localized transportation planning, the three MPOs created the Southeast Florida Transportation Council (SEFTC). This partnership was formalized through an lnterlocal Agreement.


Since its inception, SEFTC has approved:

  • Regional goals and objectives

  • Regional corridors of significance criteria

  • Regional long range transportation plan

  • Project lists for Transportation Regional Incentive Program (TRIP) funding

The following language is an excerpt from the SEFTC Interlocal Agreement pertaining to the purpose and intent of the Council:

WHEREAS, the economic health of the region is greatly affected by availability and convenience of transportation services; and,

WHEREAS, there is a need to address transportation on a regional basis to meet growing travel demands and obtain federal and state funding in the current competitive process; and,

WHEREAS, Chapter 339,175(i)(2), F.S. provides for creation of an administrative entity to coordinate regional transportation planning goals and activities consistent with federal and state law; and,

WHEREAS, and MDMPO, the BMPO and the PBMPO desire to create a formal mechanism to coordinate transportation planning activities in the South Florida region.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)



Nondiscrimination: Title VI, ADA and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)

Through the respective MPOs, SEFTC has set a policy that assures that no person shall on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, family, or religious status, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, and the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992 be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination or retaliation under any program or activity.

For complaints, questions or concerns about civil rights or nondiscrimination; or for special requests under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please contact Elizabeth Rockwell at (305) 375-1881 or (Miami-Dade TPO), Carol Henderson at (954) 876-0058 or (Broward MPO), or Melissa Eble at (561) 725-0813 or (Palm Beach TPA).

© 2021 SEFTC - All Rights Reserved

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